Welcome to the gallery, here you will find lots of photos from the construction phase to the shop opening, .
If you have any images you would like to share with us regarding the store, then please do email them in we’d love to see them.
- Original shed will require re-siting.
- Existing structure and fence.
- Ground breaking ceremony.
- Ground breaking ceremony.
- Ground breaking ceremony.
- Ground breaking ceremony.
- Ground breaking ceremony.
- JCB excavates footings for store.
- Workman working on services.
- Concrete floor for store.
- Scaffolding erected.
- Timber frame and roof trusses arrive on site.
- Weatherproof membrane.
- Roof trusses in place.
- Almost complete!
- Tiles completed.
- Roof tiles completed.
- Guttering in place.
- Two buildings of very differing times, but both are ensuring that the heart of our community stays right here, right now and for the secure future of our village.
- External cladding of the shop commences.
- View of kitchen (left), toilet (right) and main entrance to the store.
- Insulation in place and the shape of the ceiling is revealed.
Photos from the Museum of East Anglian Life 30th April 2016