Bentley Community Shop is a Community Interest Company (CIC), limited by guarantee, and registered at Companies House. This means that all profit must be used to maintain and develop the store for the benefit of the community as we have no shareholders. Bentley Community Shop uses the trading name “Bentley Stores” and is run by a management group, who oversee its operations
The Management Group are:
Bob Feltwell (Chairman)
Bob Mawkes
Sue Keen
Jackie Tiller
Mick Leafe
Gill Leafe
The Shop was funded by a number of bodies and some private donations, we are very grateful for their support which enabled us to build and equip the shop.
We have received funding from the following:
Bentley Parish Council, Suffolk County Councillor’s locality budget
Babergh District Council, The Link Lunch Club, The Plunkett Foundation
Landfill Communities Fund, The Prince’s Countryside Fund
And several private donations.